Corporate Matching Donations at Booksin

Booksin Elementary School Community Organization (BESCA) is a California 501(c)3 Non­Profit Organization: Tax ID #23­7399164.

Many companies match charitable donations made by their employees. Corporate Match is a great way to maximize your contributions to Booksin - including monetary donations and volunteer hours. It’s free money for us and only takes a few minutes of your time.

You have several options to make a donation to Booksin: 

  • Donate online or via check for Walkathon through PledgeStar

  • Donate directly through your company’s corporate match provider (Benevity, Your Cause, etc.)

  • Donate directly to BESCA online after Walkathon season

  • Donate your time to Booksin by volunteering then submitting your hours to your company for matching

Regardless of how you donate, you will complete a similar process with your company in order to qualify for the match. Each company handles corporate matching a little differently, and you can usually find information on your company’s intranet about the process to submit donations for corporate match. Here are some things you may need: 

  • BESCA (Booksin Elementary School Community Association) is the recipient organization for your match

  • BESCA is a California 501(c)3 Non­Profit Organization: Tax ID #23­7399164

  • Donation receipt for monetary donations

  • BESCA Address is 1590 Dry Creek Rd, San Jose, CA 95125

If you need any additional information or forms, please contact

How to Corporate Match with Walkathon Pledge

Many companies match charitable donations made by their employees. Corporate Match is a great way to maximize your contributions to Booksin - including monetary donations and volunteer hours. It’s free money for us and only takes a few minutes of your time. 

Pledge donations should be made to Walkathon, on Friday, October 13, 2023.

Option A (Preferred) - Donate Through PledgeStar, Booksin’s Online Pledge System

This process is easiest for our volunteers and your student will get instant credit for the amount you have donated. 

  1. Make your Walkathon pledge donations in PledgeStar through the account you create at You can donate by credit card, PayPal, or check.

  2. You will receive a tax receipt via email. Use this receipt to request a match through your company’s corporate matching process. 

Option B - Donate Through Your Company’s Corporate Matching Portal

Many companies offer the option of donating directly to BESCA through the company’s matching page. We do not recommend this for Walkathon pledges, as it creates extra work for our volunteers to ensure your child receives credit for the donation. However, we know there are sometimes special circumstances that require you to donate directly through your company. 

  1. Donate through your company’s matching portal, saving your receipt showing the portion that you donated.

  2. Fill out this form and upload your receipt to let us know about your donation in order for your student to receive credit for your portion of the donation.

More Information on Corporate Match: 

Regardless of how you donate, you will complete a similar process with your company in order to qualify for the match. Each company handles corporate matching a little differently, and you can usually find information on your company’s intranet about the process to submit donations for corporate match. You will generally need to provide a donation receipt for monetary donations, and the following information: 

  • BESCA (Booksin Elementary School Community Association) is the recipient organization for your match

  • BESCA is a California 501(c)3 Non­Profit Organization: Tax ID #23­7399164

  • BESCA’s address is 1590 Dry Creek Rd, San Jose, CA 95125

If you need any additional information or forms, please contact