BESCA Shoppping Guide
Below are some retailers that generously offer a portion of their sales back to Booksin. Please consider shopping through these retailers and sharing these offers with family and friends. Users do not need to be members of the Booksin community.
Do you have a business or suggested place to partner with to expand our shopping guide? Email our VP of Fundraising at
ShopRaise: Up to 10% Back to Booksin (depending on the store you are shopping from)
Whether it’s shopping for daily essentials like groceries, buying furniture for your home office, or even booking your next trip, the ShopRaise app lets you raise funds when you shop for your cause online. Now you can turn your everyday shopping into support for your favorite cause all at no additional cost to you.
Download the ShopRaise app (from your mobile device or desktop): (or search ShopRaise on your app store)
Sign up for an account, and select “BESCA” as your organization to give back to.
Anytime you want to shop, go to your favorite store on ShopRaise (there are thousands of your favorite stores to choose from).
You can even buy gift cards on ShopRaise!
How ShopRaise works video -
Sports Basement - 10% Back to Booksin
Sporting Gear
Join the Basementeer program for a one time fee of $25 and designate Booksin as your charity. Plus, save 10% on every purchase.
We also benefit from 20% off events 1-2 times a year. Watch for updates on Konstella! The most recent event: Aug 9 - 18, 2024.
Already a member but not sure who you are giving back to? Simply email, include your current phone number on file, and tell them you want to make sure your donations go to Booksin Elementary.
Locally Owned!
Minted - 15% Back
Holiday Cards, Art, Gifts
You save 20% on every purchase with code FUNDRAISEBESCA and we get 15% back! Offered year round.
Farm Fresh to You - 5% off your order and 10% back to Booksin
Organic Produce (including add ons like eggs, herb kits, beverages and more) delivered fresh from the farm to your doorstep. Skip or donate your weekly box at any time.
Use promo code: BESCA
TruEarth - 20% back to Booksin
Laundry Sheets
Shop at the Booksin site:
Kiwanis Club Christmas Tree Lot - Stay Tuned for Holiday deals in 2025!
Tea Collection - Stay Tuned for Holiday deals in 2025!